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Project Hardcore #PH13
The Outside Agency, Frequencerz, Meccano Twins, Art Of Fighters, Noize Suppressor, Gunz For Hire, Ophidian, Catscan, Re-Style, Miss K8, Anime, DJ Promo, MC Alee, Paul Elstak, Dune, Tha Playah, Angerfist, MC Jeff, Day-mar, Obscurity, Deka 187, Mecanno twins, Section Grabuge, Tieum, Bloodcage, Miss Twilight, Darkcontroller, Hellter Skellter, Exotane, Affective Dizorder, Chrono, Unexist, Neophyte, Rayden, The Punisher, OGM 909, Andy The Core, F. Noize, Glenx, Lenny Dee, Rob Gee
Thrillogy 2013 Mixed by Frontliner, Adaro and Partyraiser
Frontliner, Ellie, MC Villain, Lowriders, Technoboy, Chain Reaction, Activator, Zatox, B-Front, Max Enforcer, Katt Niall, Brennan Heart, Jonathan Mendelsohn, The Beholder, Noisecontrollers, Outlander, Audiofreq, D-Block & S-te-Fan, Ran-D, Hit 'n Run, Adaro, Toneshifterz, Kronos, Hard Driver, The Vision, X-Pander, Artic, Outbreak, DV8 Rocks, Phuture Noize, Re-Volt, E-Force, Zany, Mc Nolz, Digital Punk, Danny Scandal, Chris One, BDisco, Re-Done, Crypsis, Moridin, Meccano Twins, Art Of Fighters, Endymion, Frequencerz, Pzyco Beat Project, Partyraiser, Andy The Core, F. Noize, System:Overload, Chrono, Destructive Tendencies, Darkcontroller, Para Italia, Drokz, Scrape Face, A-Kriv, s'Aphira, Glenx, Turbolenza, Mr. Courage, Dj Tsx, Imperium Bass, Paranoizer, SRB, Nekrosystem, MC Fixout, Vextor