Something’s afoot in Hamburg. While the past years,decades even, were dominated primarily by the Frankfurtand Berlin schools of Techno, constantly setting the toneand pace for progression of a rather hard-edged style ofdance music, the Hanseatic City is increasingly coming intoits own. The newest and literally one of the youngestrepresentatives of this blossoming yet adamant Hamburgbredclub music goes by the name of ET NIK. Born in 1992,this prodigious 22-year-old is already being coined thewunderkind of new German Techno. What’s more, it took himjust one gig in Hamburg’s Baalsaal to get himself a recorddeal. “It was quite overwhelming,” ETNIK recounts. “My initialplan was to not venture into DJ’ing before havingestablished myself with a few tracks of my own to show.Though at the time I was familiar with the Baalsaal’smanager and he invited