Latest Releases
Chillout Connection, Vol. 6
Ocean Mind, Christo Sonido, Robert Scharnke, Sami Sivananda, Chilletics, Intelligent Rich and Beautiful, Placid Larry, Sunyata Project, Oscar Salguero, Galaktos, L'art Mystique, B - Inc, Florito, Alpha Prime, Madhukar, Chris Le Blanc, Nightzone, Roberto Sol, Dharma Frequency, Gordon Geco, UCP Berlin, Le Fils du Cap, Sofya
Chillout Connection, Vol. 4
Sami Sivananda, Oscar Salguero, Alpha Prime, Ocean Mind, Gordon Geco, Alexander S. Karlov, Minka, James Butler, Eliptical Sphere, Robert Scharnke, Harmonium, Mirko Firzlaff, Sunyata Project, Remundo, Placid Larry, Tasty Glour, Wilton De Grey, Lifeserzh, Edonia, Scot & Millfield, Axel Schick, Mindsoundscapes, Castlebed, Guna Nada Das, Kai French
Chillout Connection, Vol. 1
Oscar Salguero, Rex Kramer, M. Vitoria, Dare, Relaxea, Leonardo Dwell, Lisa Jest, PRAANA, Endless All, The Parent, The Regression, Lounge Hours, Robert Scharnke, Alpha Prime, Shaman Tales, The Tonal, Ambi Ent, Beyond and Above, Hidden Land, Inner Lotus, Yoga Lesson, Twin Valley, Firstclass, Ole Erikson, Gianluca Altobelli, Hidden Hand, Ocean Mind, Spyroon, Oneiromancy, Gillian Hope
Restart 2019 - Chillout
Leonardo Dwell, Oscar Salguero, Ocean Mind, Robert Scharnke, The Tonal, Rex Kramer, The Parent, Alpha Prime, Endless All, PRAANA, Heavenly Light, Lounge Hours, Shaman Tales, The Regression, Ambi Ent, Beyond and Above, Hidden Land, Yoga Lesson, Twin Valley, Firstclass, Ole Erikson, Gianluca Altobelli
Winter Chill: Kitzbühel
Joling Hyke, Makia Blue, Kusuma Orchestra, The Atmosphera, Kid Vibes, Sale Sax, Nikola Utopija, Nevena Zlatic, Dustin Lefholz, Cesar Martinez Ensemble, Silbermaus, David T Boy, Enough Stickers, Joybiza, Ambitio Mentis, Vostok Divers, Collective Sound Members, Lounge Myrial, Babah, Maximilien, Alex Nöthlich, Real meets Unreal, Hic et Nunc, Sombra Modos, Kaxamalka, Asking Altotas, Soul Pistols, Heso, Zebiran, Gold 'N' Chic, Scarlet Blue, Alex Barattini, Wolkenlos, Zadar, Julian Lopez, Savi Vincenti, Steve Jones, Bertram Geck, Djfunkeedee, Tea At Seven, Zirkadian Sender, Neber Sover, Schinowatz, Tomasz Pauszek, Azeotrop, Lothar Porsche, Leisure Pleasure, Arnoon, Tobias Philippen, Fascinating Case, Glammer Twins, Ibizamotion, Ocean Mind, Alpha Prime, Cosmotopia, Mirko*Lovato, Minka
Tree Of Life, Vol. 1 (Selection Of Wonderful Calm Music)
Sami Sivananda, Guna Nada Das, Sunyata Project, Chris Le Blanc, Roberto Sol, Oliver Dawi, Latin League, Masan, Miyabi, Zer, Cooops, L'art Mystique, Martin Liege, Breezz Studio, Marga Sol, Alexander S. Karlov, E-Motive, Svendaq, Beleza Tunes, Ocean Mind, Benatural, Clelia Felix, Ficture, Alpha Prime, The Parent, Puch, Alex Hudish, Dan Bay, Lounge Groove Avenue, S.D.J., Schwarz & Funk, Ambitus
Mystery Chillout
The Parent, M. Vitoria, Oscar Salguero, PRAANA, Bluesolar, Relaxea, Lounge Hours, Endless All, Leonardo, Lisa, Minka, Ibiza Chillout, Avalona, Dare, Aura, Danielle Senior, Andrey Faustov, MARIA, Eddie Lung, Claire Willis, Stunner, Naikoo, Alpha Prime, Arys, Mary Fly, Fischer, Miethig, George Harrold, Tranc Eye, Vanity In Mind, Rene Ablaze, Noel Gitman, Buran B, Tom & J., James Jensen, Electronivity, Faltermeyer, Jack Spielberg
Happy Easter Chillout
Relaxea, M. Vitoria, Oscar Salguero, Dare, Avalona, Bluesolar, Claire Willis, Stunner, Fischer, Miethig, Minka, Mandana Jafari, Andrey Faustov, Alpha Prime, Arys, Mary Fly, Tranc Eye, Rene Ablaze, Noel Gitman, Buran B, Vanity In Mind, Tom & J., Gaming Tracks, Stars 'n' Stripes, Gabriel Florea, Dirk M. Schumacher, State MX, Naikoo, Hardrox, Aura, Danielle Senior
Time for Peace
James Howard, Minka, Oscar Salguero, Gabriel Florea, Dirk M. Schumacher, G. Papadopoulos, Electronivity, Collins, Faltermeyer, Intermode, Dubstep, Kontiki, Olympic, Alpha Prime, Laidback Chill, John Loengard, Ron Pachelbel, Northen Extreme, Loungeaholic, Ola K Ase, Pray, Runner, The Brothers, Sound System, Smith Cruise, Relaxea, Silence, The Fantasy 7, Naikoo, Vanity In Mind, Jack Spielberg
Keep Calm and Chill Out
M. Vitoria, Jam Box, Oscar Salguero, Chill Bill, Stars 'n' Stripes, Avalona, Eddie Lung, Bluesolar, Tom & J., Claire Willis, Stunner, George Harrold, Fischer, Miethig, Minka, Naikoo, Relaxea, Arys, Mary Fly, Andrey Faustov, Alpha Prime, Rene Ablaze, Noel Gitman, Buran B, Tranc Eye, Vanity In Mind, Kgc, Moreish, Ngs, Star Dance, Dj Wars, OST Flow, O'Quinn, The Synths, Paco Flores, Hollow Earth, Ibiza Chillout
International Chillout
Stars 'n' Stripes, Oscar Salguero, M. Vitoria, Chill Bill, Tom & J., Avalona, Jam Box, Eddie Lung, Bluesolar, Claire Willis, Stunner, Relaxea, Naikoo, Fischer, Miethig, George Harrold, Minka, Arys, Mary Fly, Andrey Faustov, Alpha Prime, Vanity In Mind, Tranc Eye, Mandana Jafari, Rene Ablaze, Noel Gitman, Buran B
Time and Space Chillout
Avalona, Claire Willis, Stunner, Oscar Salguero, M. Vitoria, Eddie Lung, Bluesolar, George Harrold, Minka, Fischer, Miethig, Naikoo, Relaxea, Andrey Faustov, Arys, Mary Fly, Alpha Prime, Rene Ablaze, Noel Gitman, Buran B, Tom & J., Conquest, Ibiza Chillout, Hollow Earth, Gaming Tracks, G. Papadopoulos, Intermode, Jack Spielberg, Stars 'n' Stripes, Mandana Jafari, Chill Bill, Ngs, O'Quinn, Moreish, Electronivity, The Brothers, Runner
Wellness Zone
The Fantasy 7, James Howard, OST Flow, Electronivity, Minka, Relaxea, Dubstep, Laidback Chill, Alpha Prime, Ron Pachelbel, Faltermeyer, Intermode, G. Papadopoulos, Silence, Loungeaholic, Naikoo, Ola K Ase, Conquest, Olympic, Northen Extreme, Audi, Tranc Eye, Kontiki, Sound System, Oscar Salguero, Collins, Smith Cruise, Runner, John Loengard, The Brothers, Pray, Tom & J., M. Vitoria, Jack Spielberg
Nye Afterparty Chillout 2015
Oscar Salguero, M. Vitoria, Conquest, Naikoo, Fischer, Miethig, Arys, Mary Fly, Alpha Prime, Andrey Faustov, Relaxea, Minka, Vanity In Mind, Tranc Eye, Rene Ablaze, Noel Gitman, Buran B, George Harrold, Tom & J., Moreish, Star Dance, Dj Wars, Mandana Jafari, Collins, Gaming Tracks, Ngs, OST Flow, Jack Spielberg