Hailing from the depths of the underground music scene, The Allegorist is a visionary, enigmatic, transmedia and boundarypushing artist known for crafting deep, immersive and intricate sonic tales. Embracing a wide array of influences, weaving together the mysteries, art, philosophy, symbolism and spirituality, The Allegorist defies categorisation. Inspired by her childhood dream of becoming an archaeologist, she embarks on a perpetual quest to discover the secrets and meanings of the world. Her innate lifelong passion for critical thinking, creation and discovery laid the foundation for her unique approach, resonating with those who seek the unconventional. Centered around dark art and speculative fiction, including sci-fi and fantasy, The Allegorist sculpts experimental, cinematic, electronic music, visual art and metaphorical narratives. Embracing the dualism of light and darkness, past and future, life and death,