Channelling an array of pummeling beats, hyperactive and attimes aggressive soundscapes, and a thick bottom end,Jealous Much? makes music to grab its audience by thescruff of the neck before delivering an invigorating slapround the face. With tracks like ‘The Future’ and ‘What’sYour Name Girl?’ Jealous Much? creates a bold sonicpalette, with a brutally percussive yet funky edge thatpropels the music forward in ruthless fashion.As you’d expect from such a striking aural assault, JealousMuch? is inspired by a incessant urge to explore thepossibilities of dance music, and draws on the vastexperience and diverse influences of its creator. For when itcomes to electronic music, James Ash has seen it all.Whether it’s been introducing Australia to UK garage andbreaks music with his club nights in the late 1990s, orselling a million records with