Sometimes, a creative endeavor turns into a life-changingopportunity. Such was the case with Tetra, the first albumfrom C2C, a band of high-profile French DJs.A history built from ScratchT he four members of C2C, who first met in high schoolduring their teenage years, share a common musical culture,a subtle blend of electro, hip-hop and various otherinspirations, informed by the countless hours they spentscouring record shops in search of oftentimes obscurevintage LPs in a wide variety of styles, from jazz to hip-hopto soul music. Fascinated by the work of Q-Bert or DJShadow, the founding fathers of turntablism, a musicaldiscipline featuring turntables as a bona fide instrument,they set off to make a name for themselves at the turn of themillennium and soon started developing their own uniqueperforming style. T heir achievements in the