Cleopatra Records proudly presents BLACKBURNER, abold new force in electronic music masterminded by multitalentedproducer/musician Skyla Talon. A Michigan-bornLos Angeles transplant, Talon cut his teeth in the musiccapital of the world with the modern metal band Killingbird,which he founded, and in 2005 joined Scum Of T he Earth,featuring former ROB Z OMBIE axeman Riggs. Inspired bythe revolutionary new sounds in Dubstep and Glitch musicgenerated by the likes of fellow metal-head-turned-DJSKRILLEX, Talon began the BLACKBURNER project,remixing tracks and releasing original compositions throughthe Cleopatra imprint Hypnotic Records. T he projectimmediately met with enormous success as compilationsfeaturing BLACKBURNER alongside Dubstep luminariesRUSKO, NERO, DUDDA JONNY climbed the iTunesElectronic charts, while BLACKBURNER tracks racked upover over 50,000 individual downloads. Bolstered by thisoverwhelming on-line buzz, preparations were made for afull-length album - and now the time has