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The Best of Disco House, Vol. 4
Disketto, Tommy Whyte, Martin Franklin, Disco Age, Patt & Groove, Sylvester King, 45 Rpm Bros, Frank Dupont, Mighty Nighty, Boss Ton, Trapped Ambitions, Lars Carter, Bar Grooves, Jean Cloude Chapion, Pit Jackson, Disco Flava, Jap Boy, Disco Project, Flash Tonique, Jean Claude Project, Robert Jouyel, John Moory, Roxy Bross, Sandrino, Will McKenzie, Deep Masters
Deep-House Fairytales, Vol. 4
South Soul, Urban People, Samoa Beach, Modell, Mercier, Bar Grooves, Josh Newman, Beautiful Soul, Victor Marino, System 4, Markus Lestelle, Soullovers, Teddy Tyrrell, Lorenzo Marino, Retro Beach Ensemble, John Marten, Phonik Font, Jay Cee Morgan, Scottie O'Donnell, Danny Soul, Vivid Sun, Guitarra Loca, Deep Makers, Deep Masters, The Loop, Andy Harroll, Starduster
Let The Music Play (Disco Flavored House Tunes), Vol. 1
Lars Carter, Disketto, Konfunk, Mighty Nighty, Jeff Kambusa, Martin Franklin, Disco Highway, Patt & Groove, Disco One, Frank Dupont, Skyline, Kanta, Disco Age, Bruce Lloyd, Sylvester King, 45 Rpm Bros, Lonny Kay, Disco Stuff, Boss Ton, Harley Franklin, Trapped Ambitions, Alfred Greytto, Chile Lavern, Bar Grooves, Alex O'Donnell, Jean Cloude Chapion, Victor Victorio
Deep-House Boys & Girls, Vol. 2
Phonik Font, Club Sonique, Jay Cee Morgan, Radical Razors, Scottie O'Donnell, Dico Disko, Modell, Mercier, Cole Portman, Danny Soul, Gold Sand Area, Vivid Sun, Guitarra Loca, Absolute Groove, Deep Makers, Light Continental, South Soul, Cosmic City, Starduster, Johnny Divine, Deep Masters, Soul Sonique, The Loop, Jeff Kambusa, Bar Grooves, Frank Lawrence, Andy Harroll
Let's Get Deep Tonight
Steven Mercier, 4th Progression, Patrick Delemont, Fresh Grooves, Pascal Sergent, Funkadeep, Mark Lorenz, Karl Dee Bee, Mark Langrande, Dee Point, Alex O'Donnell, Dee Lovers, Alfred Greytto, Kascox, Black Jag, Bar Grooves, Black Cat, Jonathan Baker, Yovann Blue, The Milf Lovers, Gee Project, Francis Leone, Piet Lorigan, Frank Montana, Gold Star
Body Beats (Deep-House Moves), Vol. 3
Club Sonique, Black Game, Fashion Grooves, Smooth Gee, Radical Razors, Ken Tay, MMQ Beats, Nailon Gray, Alpha Carpet, Bull Fender, Bert Fustemberger, Skygroove, Mangusta, Ibiza Supreme, Smiling People, Nathan James, Sunset Bay, Jennifer Hill, Philip Starr, Fashion Glitters, Alaina Terta, Costa Negra Project, Deep Moon Lovers, Amber Ferrell, Zippy Priority, Weekend Warriors, Bar Grooves, Spicy Patt, House Vicious, City Cinema, Kobra, Paul Moana, Claire Holloway, Frankie Paradise, House Istinct, Audrey Langston, Florence Kay, Steven Porter, Pianola, Black Boy, Gold Jeans, Yves St. Claire
Deep Future
Santos Pasha, Alexius Simon, Kosmika, Ocean 34, Solid Phonic, Mitch & Fooys, St. Tropez Deep Ensemble, Mark Tonett, The Loop, Mark Scott, Tony Lamal, Londongroove, Soul Dino, Lola London, Bar Grooves, Mondial Groove, Armand Tee, Silver Jeff, New Fragrance, Antoine Verlaine, Note On Blue, Rich One, Open Rhythm, Samuel Grand, Rian Neva, Paradise Boutique
Mega Deep Collection, Vol. 1
Brodie Sleath, Stephen Matti, Tony Zeed, Julian Smith, Oceanic Beach, Jason Flush, The Late Lovers, Urban Voice, Luther Sanders, Clifton Herd, Tommy Harmond, Albert Stehien, Soulgroovers, Jason Cavalli, Ron Tylor, Red Night Project, Solitaire, Pianola, Black Boy, Michael Danielson, King Boy, Marcelo Blanco, Jean Claude Renner, Flat Crumb, Gold Kaay, Martin York, Tonya Dollmann, Andrea Caloni, Klaus Andreas Lindenberg, Road Groove, Malcom Garcia, Kord Steven, Danny Pan, Rick Roqueford, Bar Grooves, Tom Nigro, Iber Meraz, Romildo Serrano, Anthony Maserati, Lolla Gee, Key Of Dreams, Nightbar, Manuel Merlini, Antonio Andali, Under Army, Luca Bertoni, Tony Emme, 2nd Floor, Rudolph Beso, Martin Bright, Modell & Mercier, Carl Cennedy, Atmospherical 45
Disco Avenue (Glitter House Tunes), Vol. 3
Disketto, Jeff Kambusa, Konfunk, Sylvester King, 45 Rpm Bros, Disco Age, Bruce Lloyd, Harley Franklin, Bar Grooves, Mighty Nighty, Continental Groove, Lars Carter, Alex O'Donnell, Patt & Groove, Disco One, Trapped Ambitions, Martin Franklin, Frank Dupont, Skyline, Kanta, Jean Cloude Chapion, Boss Ton, Tony Afrique, Lonny Kay, Disco Stuff, Chile Lavern, Alfred Greytto, Disco Highway
Pleasure Heaven (The Deep-House Edition), Vol. 3
Tommy Goldwater, Jason Lynch, Bar Grooves, Markus Grunewelden, Continental Groove, Patrick Bee, Anthony Maserati, Mark Falcon, Alexander Del Rio, Chada, Jason Jinx, Hot Hands, Alex Martinez, City Groove, Josh Andrews, Claire Holloway, Fashion Factor, Wayne Rodriguez, Faber Vegas, Jerome Norton, Audrey Langston, Kobra, Daniel Curley, Smooth Gee, Justin Wittle, Sebastien Delattre, Weekend Warriors, Natural Soul, Florence Kay, Martin Sarrin, The Selfies
Follow The Call Of The Disco Ball, Vol. 1
Disco Age, Lonny Kay, Disco Stuff, Konfunk, Disco Highway, Martin Franklin, Sylvester King, 45 Rpm Bros, Jean Cloude Chapion, Disketto, Mighty Nighty, Jeff Kambusa, Lars Carter, Patt & Groove, Disco One, Frank Dupont, Skyline, Kanta, Boss Ton, Tony Afrique, Harley Franklin, Trapped Ambitions, Chile Lavern, Alex O'Donnell, Bar Grooves, Alfred Greytto, Bruce Lloyd
Deep-House Diaries, Vol. 2
Jason Jinx, Club Tribal, Nailon Gray, Modell, Mercier, Markus Grunewelden, Paul Moana, Bull Fender, Delirious Bird, Patrick Bee, Malcom Nelson, Bert Fustemberger, Black People, Francis Leone, Le Club, Mangusta, City Groove, Ember Nun, Frank Falcon, Ibiza Supreme, Sonic Joiners, Josh Andrews, Chada, Smiling People, Jerome Norton, Cactus Club, Marcelo Blanco, Bar Grooves, Fader Of Cruise, Henry Tree, Danny Hay, Nathan James, Simon Perez, Exotic Twilight, Harry Ashton, Sunset Bay, Jennifer Hill, Roberto Rich, Paul Swoon, Funkadeluxe, Philip Starr, Simon Blackmore
Rock like a Superstar, Vol. 3 (Deep-House Champagnes)
Radical Razors, Jay Cee Morgan, Johnny Divine, Deep Masters, Soul Sonique, Vivid Sun, Guitarra Loca, Modell, Mercier, Starduster, Frank Lawrence, Bar Grooves, Andy Harroll, Mischa Miller, Scottie O'Donnell, High Jack, Dyba, K Zone, Mike Morrow, Norman White, Jason Palmer, Paul New Yorkers, Jeff Kambusa, Frankie Borrell, Club Of Love, Paolo Republic, Frederic Le Monde
Play For Groove, Vol. 3
Roger Vena, Emilia Snow, Faber Vegas, Kiaveekeng, Bar Grooves, Cassagrossa, Black Cat, Micah Sinjin, Robert White, Frank Shaw, Frankie Jones, John Allen, Peter Manson, Alex O'Donnell, Dazed Kiss, Voice 2 Be, Delicious Things, Limonio, Sander Goldmann, Jeremy Nowell, Victor Lorero, Tony Sax, Ice Papa, Frank Lee Jones, Francis T. Holm, Andrew Spencer
Lonely Beach (Deep-House Adventure), Vol. 3
Roger Vena, Ralf Harris, Cassagrossa, Percy Free, Zone Zero, Salina, Bar Grooves, Robert Danielson, Paolo Republic, Nixon Hamilton, Bob Green, Jonathan Baker, XJ8, Harry Simmons, Ryan Aubrey, Emmett J. Morgan, Torres Pueblo, Vibrant Groove Project, Paul Tatum, The Fingers, Guitarra Funk, Suburban Soul System, Micah Sinjin, Harrison Keir, Richard Fairley
Tropical Island Breeze, Vol. 3 (Deep-House Sand Castles)
Dyba, K Zone, Jay Cee Morgan, Mike Morrow, Paul New Yorkers, Scottie O'Donnell, Frank Lawrence, Radical Razors, Jason Palmer, Deep Masters, Soul Sonique, Hotel 54, Vivid Sun, Guitarra Loca, Starduster, Norman White, Jeff Kambusa, Frederic Le Monde, Bar Grooves, Frankie Borrell, Johnny Divine, Andy Harroll, High Jack, Mischa Miller, Club Of Love, Paolo Republic
Sunset Beat (Deep-House Groovy Summer Tunes), Vol. 2
Smiling People, Alexander Del Rio, Tokyo Hono, Patrick Bee, Tommy Valvano, Jerome Norton, Zippy Priority, Audrey Langston, Tommie Woods, Kobra, Cactus Club, Hot Hands, Alex Martinez, Nataree Williams, The Selfies, Marcelo Blanco, Daniel Curley, Frank Montana, Smooth Gee, Dollars & Girls, Bar Grooves, Xavier Verdon, Anthony Maserati, Level Of Encore, Sebastien Delattre, Fader Of Cruise, Weekend Warriors, Ralph Love, Florence Kay, Seamus Jordan, Natural Soul
Deep-House Sessions, Vol. 3
The Selfies, Daniel Curley, Frank Montana, Smooth Gee, Bar Grooves, Jason Lynch, Fred Sax, City Groove, Michael Vee, Sunset Crew, Pianola, Larry Derallo, Paul Swoon, Alaina Terta, Latin Revenge, Dream Lovers, Nathan James, Simon Perez, Zen Beat, Spicy Patt, Xavier Verdon, Level Of Encore, Sebastien Delattre, Fader Of Cruise, Weekend Warriors, Danny Hay, Anthony Maserati, Claire Holloway, Deep Dreams, Faber Vegas
Deep & House (Groovy Bar Tunes), Vol. 1
Philippe La Croix, James Urban, Roger Vena, Zone Zero, Boyd Nate, William Briggins, Emilia Snow, Robert Salden, Luy Garoche, Mariah Voce, Jerry Russ, Faber Vegas, Jason Black, Harry Victor, Lindon Lou, Kiaveekeng, Oscar Senator, Ralf Harris, Salina, Bar Grooves, Robert Danielson, Paolo Republic, Natalie Williams, Cassagrossa, Percy Free, Paul Entone
Moves & Grooves, Vol. 2
Francis Leone, Ralf Harris, Manuel Jacobi, K Sun Project, Yves Rocher, Salina, Cole Portman, Sebastian Hector, Velvet, Merrill, Bar Grooves, Maxell DJ, Delicious Things, Dean Franklin, Robert Danielson, Frankie Jones, William Groove, Paul Martinez, Paolo Republic, Toquefans, Danny Janiel, Boss Ton, Natalie Williams, Damian Scott, Black Cat, Curtis Jeffrey
Barman Beats (25 Deep-House Shakers), Vol. 6
Gold Jeans, Catherine Weller, Roger Dean, Robert Wellington, Lucas Romario, Roy Paulsen, Republic Of Groove, Raphael Carter, Purity Of Soul, Jo Konda, Carlos Penedes, Leeroy Jones, Groove, Patt, Dan Holmes, Equinox Beats, Nina Loson, Negrosuite, Train Inc., Paul Krines, Joseph Teobaldo, Black People, Diana Pouch, Roy Anderson, Jonathan Baker, Bar Grooves, Brian Jones
King Size Deep-House, Vol. 1
Modell & Mercier, Beach Project, Continental Groove, Lazy Shame, Claire Holloway, Bright Anvil, Chapin Trudeau, Playa Solaire, Kenny Fransson, Jeffrey Goldstar, Deep Area, Larg Gorv, Marcelo Blanco, Stephen Matti, Piano Groove, Ring Hammer, Harley Coles, Troy Klass, Ennio Laan, William Lauridsen, Jewel Sadness, Urban Life, Blue Frequency, Beach Beats, The Versus Kosher, Felicjan Gorski, Joe Hale, Adjacent Six, Brodie Sleath, Felix Schou, Alessandro Trevisan, Raakel Myz, Pumped Pumped, Deep Groovers, Sydney Rutledge, Moving Boys, Push Entry, Only Parallax, Nezh Timayev, Bar Grooves
Soulfood, Vol. 3 (25 Deep-House Aperitifs)
Sam Stoner, Johnny Divine, Subway Soul, Radical Razors, Alfred Greytto, Jay Cee Morgan, Soullovers, Deep Masters, Teddy Tyrrell, Soul Sonique, Brian Carroll, Vivid Sun, Guitarra Loca, Lorenzo Marino, Starduster, Duane Reeves, Jeff Kambusa, Bobbie Taylor, Frank Lawrence, Josh Newman, Bar Grooves, John Marten, Andy Harroll, Peter Thompson, Scottie O'Donnell, Riva's Groove
Deep 50! (Groovy Deep-House Tunes), Vol. 2
Rudy Faxer, Brodie Sleath, Crucial Love, Andrea Caloni, Andreas Palmer, Klaus Andreas Lindenberg, Martin York, Rick Roqueford, Markus Mueller, Kord Steven, White Castle, Danny Pan, The Sound of Maratea, Bar Grooves, Zed Black, Tom Nigro, Ron John, Iber Meraz, Ben Peter, Tony Zeed, F.D. Project, Romildo Serrano, St. Tropez Deep Ensemble, Anthony Maserati, Lolla Gee, Christopher Solo, Key Of Dreams, Manuel Merlini, Jeff Larsen, Philter Inc., Antonio Andali, Nathan Heart, Under Army, Smooth Gee, Luca Bertoni, Whitegroove, Team Groove, Tanya Six, Tony Emme, David Maxter, Road Groove, DJ Joseph B, Eddie Heaven, 2nd Floor, Deep Groovers, Rudolph Beso, Andrea Ferri, Martin Bright, Miami Beach Ensemble, Modell & Mercier
Party Dolls (50 Groovy Underground Tunes), Vol. 2
Matteo Vanetti, Dean Jay, Ladyclub, Kenzo Reffari, Road Groove, Rolf Boss, Vanesya, Sander Schneider, Alena, Maurice Williamson, Jeorge Dee, Kandid, Tee Rooney, Bass O' Matik, Tony Brown, Goldmann, Red Satellite, The Red Project, Weekend Warriors, Natural System, House Elementz, Kubik Kino, Dreamlight, Gamma 3, Paul & Smith, Frank Quattro, Jerry Thompson, Tanya Six, Victor Lafontaine, The Quantum Project, Aurora, Raynold Boss, Progression Alpha, Club 2 Club, Yan Chano, Glitter Grooves, Subway Rhythms, V6, Tony Royale, Ted Rooney, Mark Lover, Maurice Waxson, Ray Karr, Red Plan, Tony Trumpetta, The Gigolo Style, Ernst Bentley, Ethan Granville, Don Palmer, Lorenz Bacha, Rick Roqueford, Andrea Caloni, F.D. Project, Anthony Maserati, Lolla Gee, Ralphie Boss, Blonde Groove, Tropez, Ron John, Bar Grooves
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