
"MINECRAFT" is a project created by the producers Enzio Abbruzzini, Gustavo Chateaubriand & Rodrigo Riviera. The union of these three artists brought versatility and modernity to this project; their tracks bring innovative ideas with remarkable timbres and captivating vocals, connecting the public into a single energy.Enzio Abbruzzini Neto is a producer born in São Paulo in the '80s who has a long relationship with music. Graduated in audio at IAV, he starts his career as an EDM producer in 2001 with his solo project "242 Oz". In 2003, Enzio, Marcelo Espindola and Tarcisio Mainardi create the projects "InsectSeeker" and "Killer Buds", having their tracks released by diverse national and international labels, and playing at the largest parties and clubs around the world.In 2005, Enzio and Daniel Younis start the project