
D-Xtreme (Dave de Vries) was born in 1984 in Haarlem(NL).When he was around 12 years old he discovered his love for Hardcore/Gabber-Music. A few years later he tried to mix some records at a friends house who owned a drive- inn show.Soon after that he bought a second-hand mixer from that same friend and a new hobby was born.Around that time he also started to work at local youth-centre “'T IJ” (later re-named: The Cube).This also was a great place to practice and a opportunity to play for a live audience. When he was learning to be a Chef his teacher attended him on the different music- software available to compose/produce muic on a computer, and gave him a cd-rom with 4 programs (Fruity Loops 4, Cool Edit Pro, Protracker

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