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Maxi Hardstyle Compilation Vol. 6
DJ Serenity, Chromo, Ginger, Hardstyle Syndicate, Marcus Jones, Zenith DJ, The New Frontier Y2K, Go Goffrè, Likquid, Zanza Labs, DJ Chaoz, Brainkicker, Burn Soldier, Tat&Zat, Noisecontrollers, R909, ZFR Project, Bass Modulators, Avex, Zenith, Tatanka, B-Front, T4T4NK4, KayEm, Frequencerz, B-Ware, Stylez, Tonteufel, Tatact, Mindcrusherz, Vorna Texils
Maxi Hardstyle Compilation Vol. 4
Bass Modulators, Sebulba, The Machine, Burn Soldier, Corecrackerz, DJ Serenity, T4T4NK4, B-Front, Jones, Anagenetic, Dizmaster, Frequencerz, Tatact, Mindkillerz, Dana, Zenith, Taument, Zenith DJ, Zax, DJ Sgroogle, G1, Twizted, Darook MC, Da Tweekaz, Tatanka Project, Chromo, Marco MC, Avex, Ramp, KayEm, DJ Syro, Toxik Waste
Maxi Hardstyle Compilation Vol. 3
Sebulba, G1, Twizted, Avex, ZX, Zenith, Likquid, KayEm, B-Front, Bass Modulators, Tatanka, Zatox, Peter Damir, Antracks, Wavemakerz, Da Tweekaz, T.A.T., DJ Chaoz, Zanza Labs, Tatanka Project, The Hooliganz, T4T4NK4, Hard 'Z' Bass, Brainkicker, Mindcrusherz, Tatact, Marco MC, Stylemasters, Darook MC, Mad@faq, Dizmaster
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