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Soulfull Melodica
Umany, Jeff Neil, Mode Nerve, Tulture, Sundre, Onit, Jared Capasso, Kim On, Jason Hern, Larry Real, Slava Onim, Davu, Light Patrick, Tony Piper, Cid Mentz, The Kid Noisi, Daniel Beman, Steve Ded, Joe Alaris, Eric Doz, TechnoTrend, Killam, Theodore Bau, Gino Berono, Ian Rans, The Human, Kurt Grant, Rudenium, Moviero, Monoteque, Diare
LunaMoon Ibiza 2020
Souluso, Archi Nova, 4she, Monoteque, Georgio Mansio, Jason Hern, Rudenium, Steve Ded, Kevin Beard, Edemin, Paul Müller, Pete Osho, Alex Madson, Dative, Chris Teo, Dmitriy Leetovskiy, Benni Drum, Minimal Cult, Elgarde, Imadeo, Forcza, Max F., Victor Malon, Trevor Baker, Nasy, Project Argentum, Schuro, Arm Project, Kester, Ugo Benso, Theodore Bau, Oncelife, Sadative, Auromat, Lumier, The Kid Noisi, Stonegroove, Mark Cubis, Protodeep, Frestr, Gordon Sels, Lazy Bem, Tulture, Dastructor
Vital Drug
Steve Ded, Onit, Mozie, Air Lift, Paul Lossa, Sam Diamond, Pete Ello, Moviero, Supervisor, Artur Muro, Edemin, Derek Herer, Sergey Polonskiy, Strabo, Rauf, Lazy Bem, Eric Doz, Cid Mentz, Steven Loss, Colin Knoll, Kotm, Mac Raymer, Anatoliy Kurakin, Ken Nobb, Soul Vibration, Ian Rans, Katcher, Killam, Clay Duk, CJ Bullet, Monkey Horror, Thomas Conway, Troy Bell, Lashch, The Little Bully, Fugich, Dom Noel, Bendetti, Greg Aroa, Frank Deor, Paolo Serro, Alex Paymer, Rolen, Ugo Benso