SilMi (the real name is Svetlana) was born on December 14, 1978 in Russia. SilMi is a Russian musician working in abstract electronic. Already at the age of 12 Svetlana tries his hands at music, composing, vocalise, playing the piano in a music school and writing instrumental music. In 2001 Svetlana makes his own abstract electronic music project which still exists. Experimenting with various music instruments SilMi created music emotional, focused on the innite search in sound world. Working in a small studio equipped with a computer and a Logic/Reaper sequencer's and using both electronic (synthesizers, midi-keyboards, effect processors) and acoustic instruments, her managed to create a very distinctive sound which makes her project quite intresting in its sounding. SilMi's works are unusual and intriguing throughout the composition, which draw beautiful and fabulous pictures in the imagination of