Singing a new song. There is a change in frequency involving life here on earth. It has been called many names by various cultures. The cycle of Yugas, the great year. But the names are not important. The important point is that there is a shift happening, and those that change their own consciousness, will be in harmony with the change. As earth goes through its evolving journey through the galaxy, the frequencies coming in are constantly evolving as well. I believe that is one of the great teachings that is being transmitted to us. It brings about an attunement in a subtle imperative. It reflects the shift. The soft blur before the next event happens. There will come the next evolution, that next step, and it is really beautiful on so
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Colundi every0ne (An Enchantment Of Sonic Spells (Part 1, 2 & 3))
Rory Leitner, Marshall Applewhite, Orrest, Poborsk, Phosphenism, Bovaflux, Trilobot, Lonefront, Joe McBride, Kalki, Adar, Fft, RA KRFT, McCoy, Ikeaboy, Quest, O Samuli A, DJ Cactus Cooler, modULarse, Franck Gerard, Colundi Disciple, Dec, / \ \ | =, petina, Nortnok, XIUM, eazykill, Dr. Rek, This Vibration, Jack Lever, braindevice, WHRK, Tunnel One, Obs Dam, Vinton Surf, Capsule, Joanne Jurgenssen, Katie Kilobyte, Designer's Manual, Sandy Funklit, Sir Baar, Anklepants, Mattheis
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