
Seriously, I hear you ask, who the hell is Raider? Is he digestible, water-soluble, energy-giving? Born in 1979, way before Chernobyl, he’s not immune to the music virus which eats him away! He’s got a fiery, hyperactive, voluntaristic nature. In order to channel this tireless energy, his father offers him, on his 14th birthday, his first Technics turntables. Here’s what it takes to become one of Tournai’s youngest DJ’s and perform in various parties from 1994 to 2000.From then, things are set in motion: Raider, the red haired DJ, now living in Mons, purchase his first groove machine in 2004. His creativity shapes up, he composes his first tracks and performs at a party at the Waux-Hall in Mons.During the next years, while gathering more powerful gear and crafting more