Defined not by a sound but more so a feeling, POOLCLVB culminates the fruits of chill & house with a distinct future edge; systematically unleashing a bounty of musical delicacies reminiscent of a sunset bike ride along Venice Beach. Poolclvb manages to blend in a forward thinking sound with nostalgic and carefree inspiration from the 90's, shaking it all up to masterfully deliver a dynamic cocktail of musical delight. Love of house, infectious vocals, full-bodied basslines, and mesmerising hooks is the Poolcvb way of business. Whether it be through cold pressed forthcoming originals such as 'Here Your Mine', 'Move Me' and 'Crossing Over' or perhaps the jaw dropping remix styles provided for amigos & compadres Motez, Kilter and Tube & Berger, its distinctly fresh & fruity on the palette every