Born in 1983, dj Lukino begins to enter the world of music at the age of 16 years. His first experience as a DJ starts in 2000 at the “TWISTER” in Confreria (CN), at the “DOMINA” in Toirano (SV), at the"019" in Cairo Montenotte (SV) and in other premises in the province of Cuneo.Thanks to the work carried out, little by little, he began to buy equipment to practice his passion : “THE MUSIC”. Since 2004, for about 2 years, leaving for work in the villages with the task of TSL (Tech, Sound and Light). His first season as an entertainer began in Jerba in Tunisia for 6 months and the second season (winter) is carried out in Egypt at Sharm el Sheik for a period of 6 months. In