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Diskoteka s razmakhom. Vypusk 3
Neofuse, Andrey Faustov, Advisor, Agzamoff, Dmitry Glushkov, Van Belousoff, Generator, [un]EQUAL, J.Jean, Georgy Lazarev, A.T.T.O.S., Krishnait, LeWonder, Mars Attack, SamsLab, NLife, Serg O., Zemtsov, Vyacheslav Sketch, Mr. Michael, Messy Ferguson, River Apple, Mark Krupp, Iga Khob, Alex Alter-A, Eqlips, CJ Vitos, Ultras, Yolan & Kenia, Sergio Garcia, Vena, Alexey Stirol pres. S.M.O.L., Mark Krupp & Deerol l, Amnesia Project (DJ Sergey Zevs and Tasty), Inertia & H-Tray, Dj Morphine, Starlight, Crystal Matrix, Manufactura Deep, Montana aka Escenda, Kooller, Matvey Emerson, Ermak
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