Latest Releases
Electro Ambient Sampler, Vol. 2
Micro Scheme, Hardcore Charter, Lucky Institution, Jaded Danger, Helmet Gag, Hideous Physics, Godless Flipper, Blister Of Motor, Frequency Shine, Bright London, Format of Quaint, Broad Memory, Eternal Academy, Cristian Matrix, By Medicine, Corner Study, Beloved Groove, Alloy Monochrome, Barbaric Deranged, Bagel Scratch
Electronic Babylon (Musica Electronica)
Susan Copeland, Paul Foster, Yellow Deduction, Helmet Gag, Hill Video, Vegas of Ruptured, Frequency Shine, Liberty Of Banshee, Step Assembly, Naughty Record, Foaming Security, Yves Chang, Jedi Resistor, Database Pluto, X Logic, Jaded Danger, Jason Da Costa, DJ Nuke, Pulpy Antidote, Shocker Of Geek, Maniak, Elusive Gutter, By Medicine, Barbaric Deranged, DJ Dope, Lucky Institution, The Scented Misfit, Orbiting Horsefly, Winged Coast, Till Trench
Silencio Del Mar (25 Anthems of Electronic Breeze), Vol. 1
Barbaric Deranged, Helmet Gag, Hill Video, Global Bite, Pulpy Antidote, Mark Mars, DJ Nuke, Broadway Corona, Lasse Kjeldsen, Vegas of Ruptured, Terry Morgan, Yves Chang, Insane Surge, Format of Quaint, Morgan Miller, Steven Ward, Michelle Pettengill, James Flynn, Dave Morrison, Grey Lotion, Troy Sawyer, Mory Gun, 82 talking, Roberto Silvester, Chill Of Simian
Temple Of Electronic Music (25 Beautiful Beats), Vol. 4
Global Bite, Forging Sleeve, Backroom Barn, Jaded Danger, Barbaric Deranged, Lauen Harriet Jason, Steven Miller, Alex Fowler, Paul Foster, Abroad Spore, Winged Coast, Helmet Gag, Neil Caine, Yellow Deduction, Alloy Monochrome, Sean McPherson, The Ninth Moonshine, Absurd Bucket, James Jefferson, Probe Of Expired, Broadway Corona, James Flynn, Taylor Black, Alexander Del Rio, Heather Jefferson
Electric Circus, Vol. 2
Jaded Danger, Certified Prodigy, Allison Fox, Morgan Miller, Colin Stuart Blawton, Basil Of The Indie, Dexter Matthews, Jason Pauls, Heather Jefferson, Alexander Del Rio, Naughty Record, Alex Fowler, Godless Flipper, Broadway Corona, Blue Epitaphs, Jason Smith, Pulpy Antidote, Absurd Bucket, Blister Of Motor, Aerial Revision, Audrey Langston, Jason Adams, Killer of Deliver, Broad Memory, By Medicine, Widows Tongue, Format of Quaint, Helmet Gag, Frequency Shine, Channel settings
Musica Electronica, Vol. 1
Shocker Of Geek, Frequency Shine, Naughty Record, Probed Glimpse, Vegas of Ruptured, Lucky Institution, News Courage, Susan Copeland, Jedi Resistor, Till Trench, By Medicine, Liberty Of Banshee, Pulpy Antidote, Database Pluto, X Logic, Barbaric Deranged, Abroad Spore, Jaded Danger, Helmet Gag, Forging Sleeve
Electronic Matrix Amsterdam
Dave Morrison, Terry Jefferson, Abroad Spore, Mory Gun, Lasse Kjeldsen, Barbaric Deranged, Mark Mars, Invert Of Playground, Hardcore Charter, Smiling People, 82 talking, Till Trench, Lauen Harriet Jason, Alloy Monochrome, Jason Allison, Jaded Danger, Absurd Bucket, Blister Of Motor, Aerial Revision, Audrey Langston, Pulpy Antidote, Jason Adams, Killer of Deliver, Broad Memory, By Medicine, Widows Tongue, Format of Quaint, Helmet Gag, Frequency Shine, Jason Smith
Goa Party
Abroad Spore, Abroad Wagon, Alloy Monochrome, Bagel Scratch, Barbaric Deranged, Beloved Groove, Blister Of Motor, Bright London, Broad Memory, By Medicine, Corner Study, Cristian Matrix, Eternal Academy, Format of Quaint, Frequency Shine, Godless Flipper, Hardcore Charter, Helmet Gag, Hideous Physics, Jaded Danger, Lucky Institution, Micro Scheme, Muted Success, Naughty Record, News Courage, On Tunnel, Probed Glimpse, Raised Smile, Sad Volunteer, Shocker Of Geek, Sinister Effect, Solace Lipstick, Spur Of Uniform, Step Assembly, Sterling Exhibit, Suddenly Honda, Till Trench, Vanilla Signal, Vegas of Ruptured, Vegetarian Shift, Winged Coast, Yellow Deduction
Namaste GOA, Vol. 2 (20 Psychedelic Trance Tunes)
Hideous Physics, Spur Of Uniform, Solace Lipstick, Helmet Gag, Jaded Danger, Marco Tunnels, Format of Quaint, Godless Flipper, By Medicine, Vegas of Ruptured, Till Trench, Shocker Of Geek, Abroad Spore, Sinister Effect, Naughty Record, Frequency Shine, Lucky Institution, Corner Study, Hardcore Charter, Mirco Scheme
Elektro Brain, Vol. 2
Shocker Of Geek, Raised Smile, Godless Flipper, Hardcore Charter, Naughty Record, Sterling Exhibit, Step Assembly, Lucky Institution, On Tunnel, Alloy Monochrome, Solace Lipstick, Yellow Deduction, Bagel Scratch, Till Trench, Abroad Wagon, Helmet Gag, By Medicine, Beloved Groove, Jaded Danger, Format of Quaint, Muted Success, Frequency Shine, Sad Volunteer, Bright London, Corner Study, Probed Glimpse, Hideous Physics, Sinister Effect, News Courage, Abroad Spore, Spur Of Uniform, Cristian Matrix, Blister Of Motor, Vegas of Ruptured, Micro Scheme, Vanilla Signal, Barbaric Deranged, Suddenly Honda, Vegetarian Shift, Eternal Academy, Broad Memory, Winged Coast
Electro Goa
Lucky Institution, On Tunnel, Helmet Gag, Solace Lipstick, Vanilla Signal, Beloved Groove, Vegas of Ruptured, Bagel Scratch, Suddenly Honda, Shocker Of Geek, Sad Volunteer, Abroad Wagon, Spur Of Uniform, Sinister Effect, Sterling Exhibit, Yellow Deduction, Naughty Record, Step Assembly, Frequency Shine, Barbaric Deranged, Probed Glimpse, Hardcore Charter, Format of Quaint, Corner Study, Godless Flipper, Vegetarian Shift, Till Trench, Micro Scheme, Jaded Danger, By Medicine, News Courage, Blister Of Motor, Muted Success, Cristian Matrix, Hideous Physics, Broad Memory, Bright London, Raised Smile, Abroad Spore, Alloy Monochrome, Winged Coast, Eternal Academy