H-Tech, 1973 born in Gelsenkirchen; Germany. His Careers startet with making Music on a C64 and Amiga Computer in the ´80s. You know Tracker Programms like Fasttracker? Later in 1994 he startet with making Music little bit more on an Ataris ST and some Hardware Stuff till 2005 as Earprotector. He plays on different Partys like Fright Night (München), Alpha Rave II (Schwerin), Army of Hardcore 2 (Hamm) and also makes himself bigger Partys in Locations like the Famous Discothek "Fantasy" in Dülmen. After a long TimeOut he decided to make a step back into the new Music Scene as H-Tech in 2022. So open your Ears to the sonic wizardry of H-Tech, a Multi-faceted Artist with a passion for pushing boundaries and exploring new musical Territories with a diverse