Latest Releases
Wild Hearts (Deep-House Beats), Vol. 1
Salvador Diqui, Frankie Cove, Korvino, Beach Two, Ron Falcon, Johnny Sonny, St. Tropez Deep Ensemble, Ethan Taylor, Ismael Lasgon, Dea Anderson, Cool T, Gray Machine, Judy Ridley, Disko Deep, Frankye Florence, 3rd Street, Kim Broberg, Paul Brooker, Torres Pueblo, Chris 85, Joel Sandana, Sixth Sector, Paul St. Vincent, Anthony Maserati, House Sinergy, Patrick Bee, Nogroove, Jason Goldeep, Peter Sanders
Keep On
Jean Michel Lerea, Dominique Terrain, Hotel 54, Deep File, House Lovers, Jeff Gold, Aquagrande, John Sander, Antoine Lacroix, Light Continental, Martin Berlin, Fashion Boyz, Last Reaction, Flower In the Sun, Frank Rivolta, Paul St. Vincent, Atlantic Avenue, Paradise Ensemble, Conti Finzini, Oceanus 99, Alexis Cyprus, Mood Collective, Fresh Groove, Gray Machine, Gold Jeans
Absolutely Club (The House Vibes)
Barney Gaz, Esteban Fortunato, Leon Nacio, Pat Banzee, Rapper Donato, Rian Masterman, Roger Vergil, Ronnie Finnegan, Shirley Keaton, Terrence Gus, Yan Karlson, Downtown Elements, Gray Machine, Plastique Soul, Aerial Revision, Bull Fender, Martin Stockwood, Joseph Farrell, Sink, The Slime, Spelling Fatalist
Playhouse, Vol. 8
Ron Sigma, Natural House Rhythms, Nouvelle Boutique, Physical Movement, Aperitif Session, Lewis Kenzie, Platinum Style, Jordan Sanchez, Peter Ponno, Ocean Night, Gray Machine, Tony Romero, Urban People, Ivan Samett, Mandragora, Lady Fata, Alphonso Shawn, Vlassis Leonidas, Plastic Candy, Frankie Borrel, Shel Alton, Ken Kasey, Eight Deep, Selby Napier, Santiago Rogers, Tracy Harrison, Housemaster Mario, Philip Rouge, Nik Collage, New York Lovers, Mood To Deep