Native of Montbéliard, Amel, aka DU Me:-A Influenced by the Old school, she invests in a pair of tumlable, Is pascinnale abo it wind and works mixing and soralching. Persevering, rigorous and precise Amel becomes Du Mel - Ain 2003. As one of the very rare female DJs who scralches itis very quicky solicited since 2004, To hast a program on Radio Sud n Besançon. This * ghetto PeanTM" program will llow Met Kool Shen, Kosiy, Du Snipe among others. She connects with a fist residence at the KGB club in Besançon. In2005, his meeting with DU Coshmar led him to mix in Paris at the Balofar. This is how their narow Collaboration within the Compos-it label. Afer a first street cd in 2006, she muliplies her encounters, surprises DU Poska, DU Balle, D/ Noise