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Deep-House Seasons, Vol. 3
Cris Roberts, David Rimmel, XJ8, Johnny Dench, Delicious Things, Robert Danielson, Jason Welsh, Soul Lovers, James Aaron Baker, Goodeeva Project, Daf Grooves, Deep Man, Santos Pasha, Haldo Marshall, Crooked Jelly, Starduster, Paolo Garcia, Rick Warrol, Dee Lewis, Billie Daniels, Mondial Groove, Lucas Clark, Frank Montana, Charles Gleeson, Radical Razors, Paul New Yorkers, Candito, John Mitra, V6, Night Groove
Gods of Deep-House, Vol. 4
Alex Deep (IT), Woody Henderson, Colin James, Deep Man, Santos Devana, Corey Keach, Paul Van Hersen, Gray Zone, Philip McLane, Jeff Silver, Mangusta, Ryan Claremont, Hogg Boss, Jeff Bhaume, Soulnight, Mr. Kay, Sandrino, Robert White, Saint Just, Jason Pounder, Nicolas Hurt, Charles Gleeson, Roger Carlos, Light Continental, Jaquin Roraso
Victor Marino, Deep Man, Wandy Harroll, Skyline, Kanta, Xavier Dextor, Sander Pomellato, Deep Native, Mark Project, Corinne Jay, Don Major, Frank Falcon, Aqua Regina, Gold King, Alpha Carpet, Jeffrey Goldstar, The Silk Man, K Zone, Partick Davis, New Yorkers, Cote D'Azure, Frank Baston, Red Passion, London 54, Patt & Groove, Mangrovia, Open Rhythms, Damian Daimler
Now Or Never, Vol. 2 (Deep-House ONLY!)
Steve Waxmann, Stephen Lawrence, Gold Rhythms, Ryan Claremont, Alex Deep (IT), Deep Man, Anthony Chocco, Beat Essence, 7th Dimension, Alexander Del Rio, Black Jag, Club Sonique, Antoine Renoir, Jason Welsh, Brooklyn Lovers, Michael Foster, Joel Sandana, Plastic Soul, 5th Ave, Jeff Collins, Deebba, Blonde Circle, Aquamind, James Peters, Lana Gardner
Late Evening Melodies
Dee Lovers, Konya Lin, Moon People, House Kookers, Audio 77, Cool Nafta, Fashion Motel, Diskoo, Victor Marino, Leonard Winter, The Philosopher, Suburban Soul System, N Grooves, Robert Owners, North Sea, Paul Wellsh, Oscar Senator, K Zone, Wandy Harroll, Jeffrey Goldstar, Xavier Dextor, Gold King, Mark Project, Corinne Jay, Frank Falcon, Sander Pomellato, Deep Native, Deep Man, Skyline, Kanta, The Silk Man, New Yorkers, Partick Davis
Fashion Nights Milano (Catwalk Edition)
Mangrovia, Sandrino, Ryan McKellen, Colin James, Andrew Lee, Paul Van Hersen, Night Dream, Robert White, Partick Davis, Saint Just, Carl Sheppard, Jason Pounder, Mister Eex, Nicolas Hurt, Manolo Crick, Charles Gleeson, Mason Deep, Light Continental, La Kanto, Jaquin Roraso, Karl Dee Bee, Hogg Boss, Jack Murray, Deep Man, James Altura
Deep Delights
K Zone, New Yorkers, Jeffrey Goldstar, Patt & Groove, Marcus Moon, Gold King, Crazy Skin, My Mojito, Miss Venice, Sander Pomellato, Deep Native, Mark Project, Corinne Jay, Skyline, Kanta, Deep Man, Frank Falcon, Open Rhythms, Mangrovia, Partick Davis, London 54, The Silk Man, Frank Baston, Alpha Carpet, Don Major, Aqua Regina, Red Passion, Citrus Juice, Maxim Kiss, Sam Zed, Flying Oliver, Paco El Flaco, Spicy Patt
Fashion Club New York (20 Selected Track for Cool People)
Florence Cono, Harley Franklin, Isaac Porter, K Sun Project, Lenny Jordan, Manuel Antinas, Philosophy Route, Delicious Things, Dominique Durban, Chile Lavern, Blue Verhanda, Dee Drop, Deep Solution, Mariah Brown, Alteria, Dag Grooves, Deep Man, Sonic Joiners, Supermodels, Yves St. Patrick, Silver Jeff
Summer Deep, Vol. 4 (The New Sound of Deep House)
Fashion Man, Robert Gold, U.M.S., Larissa Janeston, Deep Man, Guru Pause, George Onassis, Green Heart, Devourer of Cables, Sun Flowers, Tanya Lovestone, House Operator, Alvin Camarano, Tony Key, Timo Sandeman, Deep Xtc, Bass in a Place, Carl Vanvittel, Audio 77, Martha Flex, Extreme Deep Project, Starduster, High Jack, Up Side Movement, Brothers Phunkers
Deep, Vol. 1
Fifth Avenue, House Operator, George Dee, U.M.S., Larissa Janeston, Deep System, Selene La Croix, Victor Marino, The Philosopher, Patrick Davis, Lasoulla, Gold Jazz, Alex Latino, Jeff Bridgestone, Friends of Sun, Moon People, Yves St. Patrick, Bamboo Rhythms, Oscar Senator, Damian Daimler, Sumasutra, Promo Diva, Oceanus, Filter Beats, Sonya Lorentz, Bass in a Place, Be One, Alvin Camarano, Deep Man, Tony Key, Sun Flowers, Tanya Lovestone, Deep Xtc, Chill House 2, Chill Groovers, Cem, Adan Gonzales
Deep, Vol. 7
Fashion Man, Robert Gold, U.M.S., Larissa Janeston, Guru Pause, George Onassis, High Jack, Sun Flowers, Tanya Lovestone, House Operator, Timo Sandeman, Audio 77, Martha Flex, Tony Afrique, Brothers Phunkers, Up Side Movement, Carl Vanvittel, Devourer of Cables, Starduster, Deep Man, Green Heart, Extreme Deep Project, Bass in a Place, Alvin Camarano, Tony Key, Deep Xtc, Jeff Gold, Midnight Groove, Jack Jam, Aqua Regina, La Boutique, Delicious Groove, Nogroove, Bel Air, Patrik Kee
Deep Diamonds, Vol. 4
Audio 77, Martha Flex, U.M.S., Larissa Janeston, High Jack, House Operator, Timo Sandeman, Guru Pause, George Onassis, Brothers Phunkers, Sun Flowers, Tanya Lovestone, Up Side Movement, Carl Vanvittel, Devourer of Cables, Starduster, Green Heart, Fashion Man, Robert Gold, Extreme Deep Project, Bass in a Place, Alvin Camarano, Deep Man, Tony Key, Deep Xtc
Deep Factory, Vol. 1
Alex Latino, Jeff Bridgestone, Filter Beats, Sonya Lorentz, Deep System, Selene La Croix, Victor Marino, The Philosopher, Patrick Davis, Lasoulla, Gold Jazz, Fifth Avenue, Friends of Sun, Moon People, Yves St. Patrick, Bamboo Rhythms, Oscar Senator, Damian Daimler, George Dee, Sumasutra, Promo Diva, Oceanus, U.M.S., Larissa Janeston, Bass in a Place, Alvin Camarano, House Operator, Deep Man, Tony Key, Sun Flowers, Tanya Lovestone, Deep Xtc
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