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Groove On (The Deep-House Society), Vol. 3
Ibiza People, Spicy Patt, Audio 77, Martha Flex, Club Sonique, Night Players, Looking Vision, Spuma Beach, Santos Pasha, Hasty Lullaby, Benny Gooding, Widows Tongue, Karol March, Roco Jazz, Invaders from Jupiter, Ron Virgin, K Zone, Stephane Gee, Love Cascade, Mandarin Temptations, Second Floor, City Beats, Paul Brody, The House Ensemble, Thomas Garner, Ashleigh Bublé, Modell & Mercier, Fashion Lovers, Cactus Club, Cliff Palmer, Solo Lounge, Deep Flowers, Soulful Vex, Alex Fowler, Anthony Maserati, Corinne Jay, Dark Keys, Ronny Gold, Dream Lovers, Sumasutra, Promo Diva, Norman Green, Manolo Crick, Fine Deep, Surrogate Religion
Deep Spring, Vol. 1
Anthony Chocco, Walter Nabiker, Tamja, Jeff Silver, Frankie Half, Simon Drops, 7, New Attitude, Anthony Maserati, Corinne Jay, Sebstian Sunford, Harley Franklin, Alex O'Donnell, Piet Lorrigan, Moover, Deep Karma, Laureen Johnston, Samoa Beach, C Shop, Da Soul, Beat Bros, Ashleigh Bublé, Corey Drake Junior, Johannes Lange, Inspiring Delight, Fine Deep, Norman Clarke, Hasty Lullaby, Sander Armando, Mandragora, Beta Project, Guy Drummer, Sophisticated Rhythms
Purple Skies (Little Deep-House Clouds), Vol. 4
Deep Lewis, Anthony Maserati, Corinne Jay, Soulnight, Soul Friends, The Presidents, Starwaves, 7th Dimension, White Grooves, Festival Of Marine, Jorgee Ochoa, Jean Claude Renner, Favinya Voice, Insane Surge, Urban Life, Deep Karma, Laureen Johnston, Yanus Hamy, Robert Reston, Hasty Lullaby, Cool T, Don Voice, Florence Kay, Subway Soul, Lock, Isaac Porter, Fader Of Cruise, Christopher Solo, Urban Elements, Mark Project, Frank Wasser, Black Garden, Ember Nun, Paul Klain
Victor Marino, Deep Man, Wandy Harroll, Skyline, Kanta, Xavier Dextor, Sander Pomellato, Deep Native, Mark Project, Corinne Jay, Don Major, Frank Falcon, Aqua Regina, Gold King, Alpha Carpet, Jeffrey Goldstar, The Silk Man, K Zone, Partick Davis, New Yorkers, Cote D'Azure, Frank Baston, Red Passion, London 54, Patt & Groove, Mangrovia, Open Rhythms, Damian Daimler
Less Drama More Deep-House, Vol. 3
Montuno Hands, Leonard Winter, Jade Traks, Subway Soul, Simon Drops, Timo Sanderman, Up Side Movement, Benny Gooding, Green Heart, Anthony Maserati, Corinne Jay, Mandragora, Brothers Inc., Deep Native, Mark Glass, Jerry Mulligan, Real System, Paul Higgins, Johnny Cunningham, Blood Vessel, George Onassis, Jeff Baker, Deep Karma, Laureen Johnston, Audio 77, Martha Flex, Mark Beautiful, Dexter Matthews, Boiled Heads
Peace, Love & Deep-House, Vol. 2
Dominique Dalamont, Insane Surge, Victor Goldman, Don Major, Carl Kissinger, Deep Lewis, Mangusta, Deep Associated, Steven Miller, Urban Life, Ronald Lastar, Real System, South Soul, Anthony Maserati, Corinne Jay, Martin Florence, Bit Express, Boiled Heads, Deep Karma, Laureen Johnston, Sophisticated Rhythms, Just Dennis, Chris Decent, Yanus Hamy, David Romero, Simon Says, Esaa A., Hasty Lullaby, One Light Project, Jonathan Baker, George Onassis, Jeff Baker, Cool T, Don Voice
Deep Del Mar (Ocean Drive Sunset Tunes), Vol. 1
Walter N., Antonio Andali, Ricardo Manuel, Summer Jam, Andrea Statham, Paul & Smith, Habana 7, Electric Avenue, Music Is The Answer, Anthony Chocco, Nathan Heart, Beta Project, Peter Foxxx, Anthony Maserati, Corinne Jay, White Grooves, Walter Nabiker, Tamja, Mandragora, Jade Traks, Jazz Boss, Nixon Hamilton, Jazzy Vee, Invaders from Jupiter, Domenico Ferruggia, M-Scilla, James Lory, Kookers
Late Evening Melodies
Dee Lovers, Konya Lin, Moon People, House Kookers, Audio 77, Cool Nafta, Fashion Motel, Diskoo, Victor Marino, Leonard Winter, The Philosopher, Suburban Soul System, N Grooves, Robert Owners, North Sea, Paul Wellsh, Oscar Senator, K Zone, Wandy Harroll, Jeffrey Goldstar, Xavier Dextor, Gold King, Mark Project, Corinne Jay, Frank Falcon, Sander Pomellato, Deep Native, Deep Man, Skyline, Kanta, The Silk Man, New Yorkers, Partick Davis
Deep Delights
K Zone, New Yorkers, Jeffrey Goldstar, Patt & Groove, Marcus Moon, Gold King, Crazy Skin, My Mojito, Miss Venice, Sander Pomellato, Deep Native, Mark Project, Corinne Jay, Skyline, Kanta, Deep Man, Frank Falcon, Open Rhythms, Mangrovia, Partick Davis, London 54, The Silk Man, Frank Baston, Alpha Carpet, Don Major, Aqua Regina, Red Passion, Citrus Juice, Maxim Kiss, Sam Zed, Flying Oliver, Paco El Flaco, Spicy Patt
I Am Deep-House (30 Groovy Shakers), Vol. 4
London 54, Jeff Bhaume, Star Hub, Judy Ridley, Claude Chamberlain, Supermodels, Cris Roberts, Lana Gardner, South Soul, Andrew Jefferson, Steven Silk, Charles Gleeson, Ryan Claremont, Samm Ferguson, Dea Anderson, Cool T, Black City, Jeffrey Goldstar, Sumsang, Andy Mercier, Soulnight, Woody Henderson, Mason Deep, Estelle La Croix, Corinne Jay, Mark Andrews, Stephanie Jordan, Lee Ann Coleman, Mangusta, Konfunk, Matthias Schultz, Karl van Dee
Sensational Deep House, Vol. 5
Looking Vision, Paul Higgins, More Deep Project, Fashion Boyz, Leonard Winter, Brothers Inc., Last Reaction, Anthony Chocco, Simon Drops, Steve Adams, Soul Waves, Cool T, Don Voice, Nathan Heart, Edward Alone, Dea Anderson, Beta Project, Walter Nabiker, Jhonny Jack, Jerry Mulligan, Peter Foxxx, Anthony Maserati, Corinne Jay, Deep Department, Dark Keys, Ronny Gold, Fine Deep, Deep Karma, Laureen Johnston, Guy Drummer, Erick Mendez, Counter from Venus, Boiled Heads, 7th Dimension, Mark Beautiful, Spuma Beach
Getting Deep, Vol. 8
Fine Deep, Dark Keys, Ronny Gold, Anthony Maserati, Corinne Jay, Mark Project, Sophisticated Rhythms, Walter Nabiker, Tamja, White Grooves, Jennifer Pryce, Dexter Morrison, Deep Department, Erick Mendez, Night Players, More Soul, Peter Foxxx, Spuma Beach, Sonia B, Mark Beautiful, 7th Dimension, Boiled Heads, Kevin McGee
Fashion Deep, Vol. 17 (The Sound of Deep House)
White Grooves, Anthony Maserati, Corinne Jay, Sophisticated Rhythms, Counter from Venus, Erick "The Sound" Mendez, Lee Kay Johnson, More Deep Project, Fine Deep, Mandragora, Starwaves, Deep Department, 7th Dimension, Boile Heads, Deep Karma, Laureen Johnston, Dark Keys, Ronny Gold, Kay Krown, Steven Vax, Lil French, Deep Lewis, Frank Wasser
The Night Society, Vol. 8 (25 Deep-House Tunes)
City Groove, Oscar Pedderson, Sebastian Marino, Harley Franklin, Da Rich, Armand Almeda, Tommy Valvano, Paul Stevens, Saucy Journey, Henrik Smooth, Frog In Fog, Sophisticated Rhythms, Golden Sun, Mark Project, Anthony Maserati, Corinne Jay, Dark Keys, Ronny Gold, Patrik Bastogi, Kenny Grooves, House Istinct, Dream Lovers, Sumasutra, Promo Diva, Norman Green, Manolo Crick, Fine Deep, Surrogate Religion
You're My Sunrise, You're My Sunset, but When the Night Falls, You're My Music, Vol. 03
Ashleigh Bublé, Kookers, Sophisticated Rhythms, Abstract Dreams, Samoa Beach, The Guardian, Anthony Maserati, Corinne Jay, Mandragora, Corey Drake Junior, Lock, Johannes Lange, Cliff Palmer, Inspiring Delight, Harley Johnson, Fine Deep, Forging Sleeve, Norman Clarke, Bradley Duncan, Hasty Lullaby, Mark Taylor, Sander Armando, Stuart Avalon, New Attitude, Torres Pueblo, Private Service, Beta Project, Deep Department, Guy Drummer, Sean Beatty
Endless Deep - Finest Deep House Grooves, Vol. 1
White Grooves, Walter Nabiker, Tamja, Anthony Maserati, Corinne Jay, Sophisticated Rhythms, Mark Project, Invert Of Playground, Lock, Kookers, Mandragora, More Deep Project, Dark Keys, Ronny Gold, Harley Franklin, Solo Lounge, Soulful Vex, Johnny Cunningham, Michael Dumont, Colin Stuart Blawton, Cliff Palmer, Broadway Corona, Blood Vessel, Terry Jefferson, Ashleigh Bublé, Alex Fowler, Dexter Matthews, Deep Karma, Laureen Johnston
Deep and Soulful Spring Vol. 3
Carl Vanvittel, Dub House, Deep Department, Anthony Maserati, Corinne Jay, Beat Project, Long Island Ensamble, Victor Sanderman, Samoa Beach, 4th Eye, Brothers Inda Deep, Guru Pause, George Onassis, Homonimo, Moonlovers, Alvin Camarano, Favinya Voice, Subsonic Aura, Delta Snake, Fashion Boyz, Jeff Murdock
Summer Deep, Vol. 7 (The New Sound of Deep House)
Walter Nabiker, Tamja, Lock, White Grooves, Anthony Maserati, Corinne Jay, Sophisticated Rhythms, Counter from Venus, Mark Project, Erick \The Sound\" Mendez, Lee Kay Johnson, More Deep Project, Mandragora, Fine Deep, Dark Keys, Ronny Gold, Deep Karma, Laureen Johnston, Solar Groove Ensemble, Boile Heads, Guy Drummer, 7th Dimension, Kookers, Deep Department
Deep Diamonds, Vol. 1
7th Dimension, Anthony Maserati, Corinne Jay, Boile Heads, Counter from Venus, Dark Keys, Ronny Gold, Deep Department, Deep Karma, Laureen Johnston, Fine Deep, Guy Drummer, Kookers, Lee Kay Johnson, Mandragora, Mark Project, More Deep Project, Lock, Solar Groove Ensemble, Sophisticated Rhythms, Walter Nabiker, Tamja, White Grooves, Ceegood
Deep, Vol. 4
Deep Karma, Laureen Johnston, Mandragora, Dark Keys, Ronny Gold, Walter Nabiker, Tamja, Mark Project, White Grooves, Erick "The Sound" Mendez, Solar Groove Ensemble, Fine Deep, Sophisticated Rhythms, Counter from Venus, Lock, Guy Drummer, Lee Kay Johnson, Kookers, More Deep Project, Deep Department, Anthony Maserati, Corinne Jay, 7th Dimension, Boile Heads, Exotic Room, The Junior D Orchestra, Saxogroove, FD Project, Nepal, Chill Industries, Nausicaa, Papajo, Krown, Wild World
Deep Diamonds, Vol. 1
Walter Nabiker, Tamja, Solar Groove Ensemble, More Deep Project, Mandragora, Erick "The Sound" Mendez, Kookers, Mark Project, White Grooves, Fine Deep, Sophisticated Rhythms, Counter from Venus, Lock, Guy Drummer, Lee Kay Johnson, Deep Karma, Laureen Johnston, Dark Keys, Ronny Gold, Deep Department, Anthony Maserati, Corinne Jay, 7th Dimension, Boile Heads
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