Dadgar Mohajer Taleghani a.k.a. Dadgar, is the Co-founder, the Manager and the A&R of McCarty Records, and the host of McCarty Shoot monthly radio show. Emerging from the absolutely underground Hard Rock scene of Tehran, Dadgar quickly made a name as a DJ/Producer amongst Techno Lovers in 2020. When Dadgar met Ricky Busta (former manager of Subwoofer Records, co-founder of McCarty Records, manager and the founder of Let's Techno Records), they discussed ideas together, and the next year, they founded McCarty Records. Dadgar's sound is solid and strong for he tells serious stories with his music. Heavily influenced by German Techno sounds of the 90s', He works out vintage sounds, breakbeats, and sampled noise in company with the futuristic vibes of today's mainstream techno. Dadgar believes that today's electronic music lacks the original spirit of