Blu, Also known as his Evil Alter-Ego "Boy Toy" Is a Gay, 25 year old Producer Who Embraces bot h t he House and Dubstep Scenes with Miltiple Personalities. One, a Sweet, Grindy Elecctro/Dutch Genius. the other, An evil D&B/Dubstep/Drumstep/Lovestep Loving, Satanic Son of a Bitch!He started working Professional in Radio Broadcasting at the early age of 17 years old in Chihuahua Mexico, as Executive Audio Production. Soon after, he Stumbled upon EDM and he has been having fin making music for ALL KINDS of people and Genres. Thinking not only Outside the Box, Also Thinking outside his own mind in a world of endless House and Dub tainted possibilities.He currently represents: Primal Filth Records, After Effectz Records, Grimey Grooves Gecords, Banging Grooves Records, Deadly Vipers Records, Heart Shape Bass