Dj/Producer Los Angeles, CaBrent Stockton, better known as Audex, is a Music Producerand DJ who uncovered a strong passion for electronicmusic over a decade ago. Early in his career he hosted as aDrum N Bass MC for some of southern California's biggestraves such as Monster Massive, Electronic Music Festivaland Fresh.In 2005, he got his first set of turntables and was introducedto house music by some friends. The sound was vastlydifferent from his first love, drum n bass. Brent quicklystarted to appreciate all forms of electronic music. He foundhimself digging through house records on a weekly basis athis local record shop. After a year of perfecting his mixingskills, he started spinning house music locally at nightclubsand bars. His talent landed him gigs at premiere Hollywoodand Las Vegas nightclubs.After multiple years as