I'm a Dj / Producer/ Label Owner From Gilroy California Founded in 2002, Household Recordings was an idea created by two bay area DJ's, Tony Rangole (DJ Tone) and Jason Lehman (A.D.D.). Household Recordings has since been on a mission to spread the music that has inspired them and so many others in the house music scene. We are in the process of going all digital with a new co-Owner Dropz to keep the music alive with Household,High Blunted, & LiftedMy Music Influences are Tony, Terry Francis, “Evil” Eddie Richards,Nathan Coles, Marky Star,Doc Martin, DJ Sneak, Lee Burridge, Craig Richards, Tyler Stadius, 6400 crew Wicked Crew, Daniel Poli , Jay Tripwire , Rudy G and all the old school acid house parties, old skool wicked parties, Gatherings , fredom fest