2K Subs

2K Subs are Martin Whiteman and Max Quirk. Martin Whiteman was the studio wizard behind the Lo Fidelity Allstars and his productions include the worldwide hit 'Battleflag'. With many other global chart successes to his name, Martin's deft touch means he is no stranger to making great records. Max Quirk's history in music is no less illustrious but has mainly taken place behind the scenes. Together they create unique music using found sounds and impressionistic electronic noises that create a distinct mood for each recording. "With their third single 2K Subs have pulled together all the sophistication and style of 'Haunted' and 'Caprice' and added awhole new level of gloss and sheen. Ex Lo Fidelity Allstar studio wizard Martin Whiteman is no stranger to world class standard productions and in tandem with partner

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