Killa Voice

KILLA VOICE - real name Khurshed.He was born on August 3, 1988 among residential populations far in the Pamir MountainsPamir Mountains on the border with Afghanistan, Iran and China:"There is a nation Pamiris, they are often referred to as the Afghans, Uzbeks, but they are actually their own language, their own culture, mentality - Pamiris - descendants of Alexander the Great."Pamir also are among the Aryan people ...1997 experienced the first attraction to music when he was 9 years old.Having a musical ear and absorbed the music of different peoples, already 10 years old artist writes the first song.Since 2005 he and his team SD FAMILY began performing at various clubs in MoscowIn 2007 the band broke up ...Having the ability to avoid military service in winter 2007 the musician

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