Raginmund Falk

Raginmund Falk

Raimondas Vanagas otherwise known as Raginmund Falk, is a techno and tech house DJ and producer from the town of Kaunas in Lithuania and is well known for playing and producing techno, tech-house and electronica. In the studio Raimondas is skilled in the use of MIDI controllers, synthesizers, effects processors, equipment and software capable of producing interesting sounds that can be put together and combined into Raginmund’s exciting compositions. He’s also been known to perform these compositions live using Ableton Live and dedicated performance equipment. As well as establishing a successful career in music for himself, Raimondas has also used his many talents to help develop the skills of other aspiring DJ’s who he’s helped instruct all the way to their first performance. Raimondas has enjoyed a long active DJ career in Germany, where

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