Isse Maraà

Isse Maraà, the creative version of the estemeed artist known by his other alias "Dekova", represents a fusion of artis-tic prowess and sonic innovation. With a foundation rooted in progressive style, his musical journey traverses the realms of progressive house, melodic techno, & techno. As it's core Isse Maraà embodies the essence of an alchemical explorer of sound, seamlessly blending elements of rhythm, melody, and emotion to craft transcendent musical experiences coupled with his captivating futuristic appearance, Isse Maraà invites audiences on a journey beyond the confines of convertional reality. With each perfomance, he transcends the boundaries of traditional DJ-ing, infusing his sets with an otherwordly energy throughout the whole night that captivates the senses of the imagination. His avant-garde approach to music production and presentation pushes the roundaries of

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