
Nespa, better known as Nunzio Espa in his hometownTilburg, is sleeping with his CDJ’s beneath his pillow since2010. For 2,5 year he was a producing and executive half ofT he Screaming Jesters, where he impressed with his skillsas both a DJ and a guitarist. Since 2012 he is working as asolo-act.Festivals like DDN and Memories are no strangers to theenergetic sets of Nespa, which have also been heard atWildgroei, at Viez! –B2B Hassassin-, at Dubsteppen and atRight Dub –amongst the likes of FuntCase & Slum Dogz-.T hanks to his wide experience on stage he has a strongfeeling for the occasion, a connection with the audience andthe ability to adjust to each venue: torn apart floors, vibratingeardrums and massive partying crowds (going as hard asNespa in his booth) are the direct

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