Lucy Snake

Ivanna Melania Turyk, aka Lucy Snake, was born and raised in Buenos Aires, Argentina. She is currently based in Lisbon, Portugal, where she continues to pursue her passion for music as a DJ and producer. In 2017 Lucy Snake performed at private events. After two years, she made her professional debut at the famous Barhein Club. Since then, she has reached some of Buenos Aires' most distinguished clubs, such as Crobar Club, La Carpa (MDQ), Closer Club, Club Museum, Club Araoz, Roomie Club (MDQ), and Quba Club de Playa (MDQ). Lucy Snake has toured extensively throughout Argentina, performing in Cordoba, Santa Fé, Neuquén, Salta, San Juan, Misiones, and Tandil. Her international gigs include Shipland Festival on a 5-star cruise ship in the Atlantic Ocean, as well as shows in Brazil, Uruguay and

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