Fran Aiken

Born for music, in the year 93 he was already involved in the booths of the pubs of different venues in his city. His obsession with good music made him create a style that led him to develop his stage as an entrepreneur, acquiring the Picth room and later opening his own record store ELEKTRO RECORDS. Resident in the Digito room, where he began to develop a new stage that led him to later be a resident of "La Jungla" one of the most mythical rooms in the area, together with his great friend Francis and they shared a booth with djs of the stature by Marco Bailey, Cristian Varela, Oscar Mulero, Raúl Parra, Mónica Osmos, Pepo, Fátima Hatji, Rosy Specka, Makoky, Pelacha, ....... His style at first was focused

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