Beat Stylist

Beat Stylist

Beat Stylist is a House music producer from New Jersey, USA. His sound can be described as hard-hitting, energetic and funky with a strong emphasis on the groove! After all that IS the essence of House music- the groove! While he has created tracks in different sub-genres; Slap House and Tech House, his core sound would be considered traditional "HOUSE" or "Classic House" as it is now referred to. Beat Stylist always puts his own spin on things though, after cultivating his very own brand of House during his musical journey. There will be A LOT of new and exciting tracks coming SOON out of Beat Stylist's modest basement studio to locations across the globe! Multiple collaborations with several other talented producers and of course more of Beat Stylist's signature sound! Be sure to follow Beat Stylist

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Zur Warteschlange hinzufügen
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Zur Warteschlange hinzufügen
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