Youn1que (Christopher Jean Ooms) is a newly emerging Psy-Trance producer residing in Victoria, BC, Canada. The name Youn1que means "You are a Unique Individual". He first began as a DJ in late-2011 and since playing his first gig at the Sunset Room(Victoria,BC) in Feb 2012 for DJ's In A Box, he has played at many venues such as Hush Nightclub(Vic), The Cambie Pub(Vic), the Sunset Room many more times, has had a residency at SONiCA Afterhours(Vic) from 2012-2013, played top 40/electro music at the nightclub Svelte Lounge(Vic) from Nov2013-March2013, DJ'd frequent weekend nights at Temple Afterhours, and have spun monthly friday nights at The Gallery nightclub for Soulfix's "Friday, I Love You!" series, aside from the nightclubs Youn1que has played at countless raves and other events. He DJ's many genres