Born 1960 in Hagen, WOLFO (Wolfgang Dehmel) grew up in company with manyother musicians from this region who are nowadays well known in Germany(e.g. Nena, Extrabreit, Grobschnitt etc.),After winning the „Bundesrockmusikpreis“ in 1978 as the lead guitarist ofhis band at this time, he has been part in a plenty of recording-sessions.By now WOLFO looks back on 40 years of musical experience in differentgenres with many renowned artists.Founding "GLAVIVA Sound Design" was a logical consequence of his wishto achieve individual visions without any industrial resentments.The top priority of "GLAVIVA Sound Design" therefore is given to song- andsound-ideas by musicians who are rather based on mind than on matter butnevertheless distinguish themselves by a deep theoretical knowledge of music,advanced skills in playing instruments and state-of-the-art recording technologies.GLAVIVA is a registered trademark by