Whizz Kidd

Whizz Kidd is Christopher Sebok, a 27 year old EDMproducer of northern New Jersey. Since2006 and 2007, he was inspired to begin writing electronicdance tracks listening to music by thelikes of David Guetta, Bob Sinclar, Lucky Twice, etc.However, in early 2008, Deadmau5 and ChrisLake became a huge influence in his writing style. Upthrough the years, he began to have moretrance influences from artists such as Ferry Corsten, JohnAskew, Robert Nickson, etc. It wasfrom the influences of house and trance that he began toshape his writing style. In early 2011,he released his first LP titled, "Love Poisoning", and handedout free copies to anyone whowould take it. About a year later, he released his second fulllengthalbum, titled, "Creature ofHabit", a twelve-track mix of house and trance tracks.Although the production quality could beconsidered