Wesley Kenter, AKA Dj and Producer Wezzy-K, Started his life in April 1992.He soon started a dream to get his own Drive in show, light, Sound always interested.In 1999, Wesley started to play a real instrument. Drums. He went doing that by Drumcorps in the Netherlands.In 2000 and 2001 Wesley get's in touch with Trance, After the Happy Hardcore times. He was overwelmed by the melody sounds and speed up bass.In 2006 he's still drums, and started to produce house ater the huge Hit of Fedde le Grand: Put your hands up for Detroit.In 2007, He started to work on his skills behind the wheels of steel. Didn't get much gig's but the practise make him better.He first tried from 2007 til 2011 to share his music, which wasn;t that