TurnOn is a collaboration between a tiny purple dancing prince leprechaun and a handmodel giraffe, creating tunes snow blade instructors Loves!- Oh! Its a challenge! ;)As part time actors (Snowhite & the 7 dwarves, Lion King, Charlie and the chocolate factory, Project X, T he Wild, Ace Ventura etc..) We found that using our animalistic creative skills should be spend on creating native boomerangs and music.. Even as fishing becomes a choice of life, TurnOn ́s here to bring Cowbells, sweeps and deep leaps to you and you're Geeky Freaks!!This is serious shit bro! Contact us when your interested, you'll usually find the leprechaun drunk at the minibar and the giraffe in the Gold part of the zoo, hitting on Olga the Hippopatumatimus !
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