
Savage Skulls- “Tomderson smells great and has wonderful hair. He should be the poster boy for a classy shampoo brand”.Flume- "Tom usually creeps me out, but he's a good DJ".Sharkslayer (Top Billin' Label Head)- “Tomderson knows how to rock it, behind decks and at the after party!”Swick- “Tomderson is funny but then when he runs out of jokes he is rude”.Mat Cant (Scattermusic Label Head)- “Tomderson is one of the young guys in Melbourne making a lot of noise at the moment, watch out for him in the next few years”.Emoh Instead (What So Not)- “Tom is a good DJ, but that’s all he has going for him”.From backyard bungalows to nightclubs to festival stages, (Parklife, Summadayze) – using shoes as drinking-aids and hommus as kryptonite – Melbourne DJ/Producer Tomderson,

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