Latest Releases
Tinmine Soul Supply
Lou Ragland, Walter & the Admerations, James Dockery, Brown Bombers & Soul Partners, The Royal Imperials, The Majestees, Benny Scott & the Soul Masters, The Georgettes, Brand New Faces, Two Plus Two, The Royal Esquires, Rudolf Jacobs, Skip Drake, The Headlines, Helene Smith, The Combinations, The Notations, Eula Cooper, Bob And Fred, The Imperial Wonders
Eccentric Soul: Twinight's Lunar Rotation
The Notations, Stormy, Jo Ann Garrett, Johnny Williams, Krystal Generation, Mystiques, Velma Perkins, Buster Burton, Chuck & Mac, McGregor Brothers, Harrison & The Majestic Kind, Sidney Pinchback, Schiller Street Gang, Renaldo Domino, Pieces Of Peace, George McGregor & The Bronzettes, Nate Evans, Annette Pointdexter, Elvin Spencer, Dynamic Tints, The Radiants, Josephine Taylor, Kaldirons, Perfections, The Mist, E. Rodney Jones, Jimmy Jones