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Early Hardcore Will Never Die! (Just Only the Biggest Gabber & Early Hardcore Bangers)
X-tremecore, DJ Jago, Executioner, Mind Explosion, Terrorizers Of Rotterdam, The Dominator, Guardian of the Crypt, Engine Mestah, Satan's Pupil, Faces Of Humanity, Mephistopheles, State Of Madness, Hard By Nature, Mutilator, Cemetary Keeper, Speedhead, DJ Traumatic, Sam-Demon, Scarface, Call Candyman, Warlords, Mad Asylum
Hardcore Never Dies (The Soundtrack of the 90's)
Terror Clan, The Dominator, Hardcore Forces, Hardcor-e, R.T.C., T.W.A.N., DJ Roy, Tha Creator, The Inexorable, Underground Resistance, Terror Junkie, Thunderous Maxwell, DJ Trigger, Speedcore Master, Mind Explosion, Terror-O-Lution, Angernoizer, STC, Hectic Society, Exorcism, Death of Angel, DJ Marshall
Xtreme Hardcore from Rotterdam, Vol. 2
Hell Distortion, Speedhead, DJ Steam, Rough Terror Corps, Morgan F., Dictator, Gabbermars, DJ Falcon, Scarface, DJ Pronto, Nucleotyde, The Dominator, Da Hardbeat Creators, Warlords, Cyko Corps, Tha Creator, Violhaine, DJ Deuch, Pyvo, Da Asskicka, Hardbeatz Maniac, Hydro Morph, Scumphyte, Forces Of F.E.A.R., The Terrorist, Overload, Speedcore Master, Mind Explosion, The Dopesmoka
Hardtechno Xxl
Hell Distortion, DJ Falcon, Da Lord, DJ Pronto, The Outliner, The Dominator, Mozashiraru & MC Kripton'ix, Mind-X-Pander, Pandora Skhizein, Morgan F., Da Asskicka, Speedcore Master, DJ Deuch, Suffer Destination, Da Bass & DJ Malone, The Dopesmoka, Mind Explosion, Gabbermars, Mylicia, MC Kripton'ix, Gary Ferro, 740 Gabbers, Da Hardbeat Creators
Puissance Hardcore
Da Hardbeat Creators, Mashira, DJ Falcon, Da Modulator, Da Asskicka, Evil Member, Mozashiraru & MC Kripton'ix, Hell Distortion, Mind-X-Pander, Cyko Corps, The Dominator, Star-Flash, DJ Trigger, Mozashimaru, Buzzer, DJ Deuch, Morgan F., Dictator, The Northern Terrorrizers, Gabbermars, Mylicia, DJ Pronto, Chronotrigger, Polinar, Speedcore Master, Mind Explosion, Nucleotyde, Pandora Skhizein, 740 Gabberz, Marshall Brothers, Angernoizer, Violhaine, Gladiator
Rotterdam Hardcore Classics
Secret ID, The Terrorist, Pandora Skhizein, Da Hardbeat Creators, The Crypt, Drachten Terrorrizers, Gary Ferro, Buzzer, Da Groove Man, Hell Distortion, DJ Pronto, Terror Syndicate, Da Asskicka, Master Cynical, The Pathologist, Xiphiuz, Doxoon, Da Modulator, DJ Dione, Mashira, The Dominator, Scerofline, The Dopesmoka, Hardstyler, Speedcore Master, Nucleotyde, Hardbeatz Maniac, Underground Resistance, Carapace, Hardcorebanger, Morgan F., Scumphyte, Midcore, DJ Falcon, Mind Explosion, Chronotrigger, The Violator
Frenchcore Xxl 2018 - Vive La Frenchcore
Dreadlock Pussy, Cybernater, The Dominator, Crimes Against Humanity, Brainwave Synchroniser, Flippin' Gee, DJ Salvo, Agent Demon, Dictator, Industrial Hardcore, Rough Terror Corps, DJ Traumatic, Fast Domino, State Of Madness, Tha Creator, Starta Dj Team, The Obsession, Spika, Da Freak, The Terminator, Purgatory, Mind Explosion, Scarface, Hardbeatz Maniac, Dj Easy Ass, Buzzer, Da Premier, Mashira, Underground Resistance, Freestyler, Mylicia
Raiders of Rampage - Madness in Violence (The Best Hardcore Masters Ever)
Dreadlock Pussy, Cybernater, The Dominator, Crimes Against Humanity, Double You, Agent Demon, Dictator, Industrial Hardcore, Rough Terror Corps, DJ Traumatic, Fast Domino, State Of Madness, DJ Salvo, Tha Creator, Starta Dj Team, The Obsession, Hardstyler, Spika, Da Freak, The Terminator, Purgatory, Mind Explosion, Scarface, Hardbeatz Maniac, Dj Easy Ass, Mashira, Underground Resistance, Mylicia
Speedcore Master, Industrial Hardcore, DJ Steam, The Violator, The Northern Terrorrizers, Sixth Sense, Flippin' Gee, DJ Deuch, DJ Portos, DJ Paul, Insane Terrorists, Gablin, Speed-Ray, Brain Crackers, DJ Salvo, Xyster, DJ Sparky, Mozashimaru, Scarface, X-Syndrome, Tha Creator, C-Squad, Arktis, DJ Perry, The Dominator, Army Of Terror, DJ Scumbag, Cybermaniac, O-Zone, Vlad-O, Terra Cotta, Digital XTC, DJ Deception, Hard Headz, The Serial Killer, The Terrorist
Ministry of Hardcore, Vol. 3 (The Ultimate Collection)
Da Hardbeat Creators, DJ Steam, Hardcore Forces, Speedcore Master, DJ Deuch, Master Cynical, DJ Falcon, Industrial Hardcore, Mylicia, The Dominator, Flippin' Gee, Secret ID, Zero Tolerance, The Pathologist, Cyko Corps, DJ Oiz, Noize Maker, The Northern Terrorrizers, Army Of Terror, DJ Portos, Serien Killer, Makina, The Crypt, Mozashimaru, Midcore, Gabbermars, The Terrorist, Off-Course, Scarface, DJ Deception, Chronotrigger, DJ Paul, Pandora Skhizein, Tha Creator, Da Asskicka, Cybermaniac, BiTurbo, Hydro Morph, Hell Distortion, DJ Marshall, The Dopesmoka, Lemson, Pandora S., The Perpetrator, Cybernater, DJ Madness, DJ Bruud, C-4, Enforcer, DJ Sparky, X-Syndrome
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