Alessandro Barbera aka Soulexis, starts his passion for music as a child, when any radio, tape recorder, record player, and so on, was turned into a console for mixing. The first steps are moved in the disco family where Alessandro spent long hours learning the tools of mixing, and working since 1989.He starts officialy mixing in clubs from 1994 aka Dj Lucifer. From there, a series of winter and summer clubs that have increased the working capacity, ductility music, with a greater work experience.The important year for Alessandro, is 1998, when he meets LAZARO MARTIN DIAZ, the art director of PALACAVICCHI of Ciampino (Rome).Starts a long collaboration (about 15 years), that allows a big grown of the club, up to 7000 precences in only a night.Alessandro starts producing in 2012,