Erst drosseln, dann schwofen Die Drossel ist am Schwofen. Runter mit den Flügelschlägen pro Minute und schwoft ab! Im Gegensatz zu dem Rest der Szene wird es hier mal langsamer und die verrückten Vögel zeigen ihren Schwof. About: Schwofdrossel creates a captivating blend of dark beats with his unique style that invites the audience to dance. His sets are full of surprises, crafting a progressive atmosphere. He combines down-pitched Dark Tech productions with his own productions, drawing inspiration from his travels to Africa, America, Asia, and New Zealand. He incorporates various genres into his sets while remaining true to his signature of energetically driving beats. Born in Hamburg, Schwofdrossel is not only passionate about music but also actively engages in promoting sustainability in social and environmental realms. His events prioritize