Latest Releases
Can You Feel That Beat: Funky 45s and Other Rare Grooves
Mickey & The Soul Generations, Renaldo Domino, Sandy Gaye, Soul President, Robert Moore, The Young Disciples & Co., Creations Unlimited, Boscoe, Duracha, Pearl Dowdell, Andrew Brown, Clifton White, Black Sunshine, Union, Joyce Williams, We The People, Black Soul Express, Stormy, Young Senators, 24-Carat Black
Eccentric Soul: The Tragar & Note Labels
Tee Fletcher, Bill Wright, Eula Cooper, Chuck Wilder, Nathan Wilkes, L. Daniels, Franciene Thomas, Frankie & Robert, Tokay Lewis, Richard Cook, Langston & French, The Knights, Sonia Ross, Sandy Gaye, Bobby Owens & The Diplomats, Young Divines, Four Tracks, Cherry Blend, Alice Swoboda, Andrea Williams, J.J. Jones