For many years in the foreground of Italian dub music as the musician, singer and the producer, he achieved his own style that the world starts to notice. Pablo Raster's sound system music is based not only on post-Jamaican heavy basslines, but also on the experience with soundtracks and other kinds of music production he was involved in.Coming from small ancient Spoleto, he was the founder of the local RasteR band, with whom he produced 7 albums and performed almost 1000 concerts in Italy and abroad. He worked closely with the legendary Italian dub master Madaski (Africa Unite, Dub Sync), collaborated with Zion Train, Vlastur, Dziga, Ricc Frost, Kg Man and Kasia Malenda.Pablo Raster produced 2 albums for DMA and 1 for Dub Fighters. He is also responsible for dozens