Needle Factory

Needle Factory

Starting out in the early 90s writing music for crack introsand gaming titles in the Amiga demoscene, FreddyMorgendorffer (Needle Factory) brings the tradition ofchiptune, 8 bit sampling and cracking group DIY punk ethosinto the 21st century. After a year spent in a bunker withnothing but 100s of Amiga floppy disks, Needle Factoryfinally emerges with a brand new sound and project whichfires on all 8 bit cylinders.Mr Morgendorffer has established a reputation for energeticlive performances and a take-no-prisoners approach toaudio programming which has led him to perform under hisNeedle Factory moniker at Manchester Academy supportingthe likes of Martin Rev (of SUICIDE) and Joe Black, as wellas supporting Australian cyberpunk band AngelSpit on their2012 UK Tour and more recently playing at Manchester’sTokyo CHIPPED and the prestigious chiptune festivalSuperByte.Combining a brutal sound that