Former Member of UK Garage Click 'Relentless Kru' (MC Turbo, MC Raider DJ Rhino & DJ Walker) as a DJ/MC in the Late 90's to mid Millennium. The team had regular shows featured on www.ukflow.tv www.phatbeats.net T ouch FM, and Live FM and more.They also regularly collaborated with the Likes of MC PSG, The Godfather Creed MC and many others for recorded guest shows streamed globally and posted onto Youtube.MC Turbo became 'Mr Turbo' in mid 2007 as his focus became more on the DJ & Production side of music. Teaming up with DJ Bluemaxx and DJ Weeksey to form the Trio 'Engin-Ears'.Inspired and originally brought into the(t hen newly emerging) UK Funky Scene By t he 'Godfather' Himself; Marcus Nasty, The Engin-Ears quickly established themselves as pioneers at the